No kissing or hugging as Sri Lanka lifts weddings ban

Sri Lanka has lifted a ban on wedding receptions as part of an easing of coronavirus restrictions, but greeting each other should be done without any touching and guests should not be allowed to kiss, hug or shake hands.
Under new guidelines, there should be no more than 100 guests, all of whom must stay a meter apart and wear masks – including the happy couple
In a statement, Health Service Deputy Director-General (Environmental Health & Food Safety) Dr. Lakshman Gamlath said it is illegal to invite and host events accomodating more than 100 persons even at venues which can accomodate larger crowds.
Simultaneously, the number of participants at a wedding ceremony should not exceed 40 per cent of a reception hall's capacity. "People should keep in mind not to exceed the 40 per cent seating limit at any reception hall. They cannot for any reason invite more than 100 guests either," he said.
The country's well-heeled usually hold wedding celebrations with thousands of guests, and the festivities can last for days with much eating, drinking, dancing and singing.
But under the new guidelines there should be no more than 100 guests, all of whom must stay a metre part and wear masks - including the happy couple.
"Guests should not be allowed to kiss, hug or shake hands," said the latest health ministry rules seen by Agence France-Presse (AFP). "
Explaining further Dr. Gamlath said some venues are designed to house large gatherings and therefore the 40 per cent seating capacity could mean a number higher than 100 persons. However, he said, regardless of the venue's capacities, the number of participants at a ceremony should be limited to 100 persons.
He said it is compulsory to maintain the distance between two persons as well.
"It is better to maintain a minimum number of participation at wedding ceremonies according to the health guidelines issued by the Health Ministry to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the country. The guidelines which were issued on April 27 are still in effect and the official statements issued in this regard could be downloaded from the health ministry official website," Dr. Gamlath said.
Folowing is the statement issued on 25th May